Senin, 27 September 2010


Nama  : Manik Tirthaninggrat 
Kelas  : X.4
No      :26

Soal :
1. Sebutkan pengertian INTERNET !
2. Sebutkan beberapa macam JEJARING SOSIAL !
3. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan SOFTWARE + Contohnya 5 macam !
4. Sebutkan dan jelaskan yang termasuk di dalam uinit OUTPUT !
5. Sebutkan 5 jenis Sistem Operasi Windows !

Kamis, 16 September 2010

why the hell you every day always makes me upset?

please, understand my feelingsall people have feelings, do not feel as good as you wrote playing girls especially!

Selasa, 14 September 2010

what's love ?

if we meet at the beginning of the meeting either - well, then I expect the end of the day we remain in good condition.What is love?What is compassion?what it means to have?what it means to happiness?what it promised?what it means to an honesty?did you ever think, that we never realized the meaning of love?most of all they say love is only the beginning of the meeting, if it has been graduallyall the affection, love, promise, everything is just stupid statementespecially if the ad a word "ILOVEYOU" it is bullshit, let alone have the words "ILOVEYOU FOREVER" that's bullshit MORE actually is owned by the affection of everyone to like someone, but now love is more widely used for betting, gaming or whatevercontemporary man hurting her they already take for granted, even though women are hurting like we are hurting our own mothers.LOVE?people who say we are in love, is the person who hurt us more often, that's love!

Jumat, 10 September 2010

dewanty aprilia lestari's day ♥

manik . lia . nanda

ia's day

History and Meaning of Roses and their Colors

With its pristine appearance, the white rose has come to symbolize purity, innocence and secrecy. There are myths and legends from several different cultures relating to the origin of the first rose which is initially white in color and is then miraculously transformed. Oftentimes the pure white rose was depicted as being stained by blood, or made to blush from a kiss. The recurrence of this theme does a great deal to establish the white rose as a symbol for purity.
Early traditions also used white roses as a symbol for true love, an association which would later become the hallmark of the red rose. However, white roses continue to endure and retain their symbolism of innocence. White roses are now used to express a number of different sentiments.
Also known as the bridal rose, the white rose is a traditional wedding flower. In this sense, they are a representation of unity, virtue, and the pureness of a new bond of love. White roses are also a symbol for young love, which further strengthens the association, and makes them ideal for marriages. Bridal bouquets are often comprised of white roses and other white flowers.
White roses are also associated with honor and reverence, which makes them a fitting memorial for a departed loved one. Funeral and sympathy arrangements traditionally incorporate white roses as a part of the tribute. As a symbol of remembrance, the white rose represents heavenliness and is an expression of spiritual love and respect.
While most of the long-established meanings of white roses are still quite commonly used today, others have become less prevalent. White rosebuds, for example, are a traditional symbol for girlhood and carry an underlying message of one too young for love. While perhaps no longer falling into the realm of common knowledge, this is still very much a part of the language of roses.
White roses can mean many things to many different people. They can symbolize new beginnings, or be a sign of farewell. They can convey feelings of love, friendship, respect and hope. Underlying all of these messages is the impression of innocence and purity with which white roses are now synonymous. An arrangement of white roses is not only beautiful; it can carry a complexity that belies its simpler appearance. Whatever the reason white roses are given, it can be assured that they will be deeply appreciated by their recipient.



Prosedur penggunaan komputer dengan benar, yaitu sebagai berikut :
1. gunakan penstabil tegangan (stabilizer) untuk mengurangi akibat buruk dari tegangan listrik yang turun naik.
2. tata letak pemasangan kabel harus diperhatikan agar tidak semrawut
3. untuk menyalakan komputer, tekan tombol ON.
4. apabila anda menggunakan sistem operasi windows, masukkan username beserta password-nya. Akhiri dengan menekan tombol enter atau klik OK. Password ibarat kunci. Jika anda kehilangan kunci rumah, anda tidak akan dapat masuk ke dalam rumah. Demikian juga dengan password. Jika anda lupa password komputer anda, anda tidak akan dapat menggunakannya.
Jika kunci dapat dibuat duplikatnya, tidak demikian dengan password. Meskipun demikian, orang yang iseng mengutak-atik komputer, dapat dengan mudah menduga suatu password. Oleh karena itu, pemilihan password harus memperhatikan hal-hal berikut :
a. gunakan kombinasi huruf besar, huruf kecil, karakter, dan numerik.
b. Jangan memakai password tanggal lahir, tempat lahir, nama teman dekat, nama saudara anda karena nama-nama tersebut mudah sekali diduga oleh orang yang akan membongkar password komputer anda.
c. Sebaiknya, password tidak sama untuk semua dokumen atau keperluan lainnya.
d. Ubah password secara berkala dan jangan menyimpan salinan password di sembarang tempat
5. setelah berada di desktop, anda siap menggunakan program aplikasi perangkat lunak (software), misalnya : Ms Word, Ms Excel, atau permainan (games).


♥ jhs 3
let's dance
girls ♥
dance with spentri
nanda . lia . utty . cempaka . manik . riska . neva
i miss my ♥ BESTFRIEND
eksis ♥

i miss my JHS ♥


soulmate ♥

I ♥ dewanty aprillia lestari

i ♥


taylor swift

lady gaga


katty perry

I ♥ Logan Lerman

i like it ;)

 ♥zara merk

♥white rose

